Forehead Lines

You may be a Good Candidate for Botox Treatment if:
Are over the age of 18.
Wish to soften the appearance of forehead wrinkles.
Are looking for a preventative treatment..... people in their 20s and 30s are getting Botox to delay the development of wrinkles.

Why do forehead wrinkles occur?
Forehead wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process. As you get older, gradually becomes drier, thinner and begins to lose some of its elasticity. Environmental factors like sun exposure and smoking can also accelerate the visible signs of aging.
Wrinkles along the forehead appear normally during facial expressions, particularly with surprise or joy. This muscle, called the frontalis muscle, creates these wrinkle lines; it is also the muscle that lifts the brows. This is a common place to experience wrinkles in this area since we make the expressions utilizing the frontalis muscle all of the time.
Forehead Wrinkle Treatment Tips:
1. First of all, start treatment early. It’s important to take preventative steps before the deep wrinkles on your forehead get “set” on your face.
2. Next, use of Botulin Toxin
3. Additionally, wear sunscreen and minimize UV rays to the skin.
4. Also avoid smoking
5. Most importantly, it is crucial to be properly evaluated to see which treatments are right for you. If a provider uses too much Botox to treat forehead lines it can cause a droopy eye. At Ithaca Medical Aesthetics, we use micro-droplets of neurotoxins to create a natural and relaxed effect in treating forehead lines and to remove forehead wrinkles.
What happens with the Botox®, Dysport®, Xeomin® injections?
The active ingredient in Botox is botulinum toxin type A; a toxin that reduces the appearance of wrinkles by inhibiting activity in the underlying facial muscles. When injected into the forehead, Botox® reduces the wrinkles that form horizontally.
When we soften the upward pull of this muscle, the forehead smoothes out nicely and we maintain some lift of the brows. It is important to carefully place the injections specific to the persons wrinkling pattern, and in balance with the symmetry or asymmetry of their forehead and brows. Ideally, we maintain existing symmetry and help even out any existing asymmetry.
Most patients also prefer a more natural look with the ability to raise their brows somewhat maintained. Other patients may prefer more of a frozen look. While our goal is always to maintain as natural a look as possible, we can vary our technique to achieve results we are both happy with.
What are some possible adverse effects?
Under treatment of the area may lead to persistent wrinkles, or if under treated to the sides of the forehead, may lead to a "spock-eye" or wrinkling that is prominent just over the outer brows, giving a surprised look. While this is uncommon, it occurs on occasion and can easily be treated with a tiny touch up to soften that area of muscle pull.
Alternatively, over treatment may lead to a heaviness to the brows or a feel of, or true eyelid droop.
Many experienced providers recommend treating Frown Lines, the vertical lines that appear between the eyebrows, at the same time as forehead lines. The reason for this is that a balance must be maintained with the lift and pull of the facial muscles. If the forehead alone is treated, the downward pull of the frown lines is no longer balanced and can give a heavy brow or angry look.
What Are the Side Effects of Botox Forehead Injections?
Botox is generally considered safe, but there are a few side effects to take into consideration. The most common side effects include:
Bruising and swelling at injection site
Muscle weakness
Flu-like symptoms
There is also a low risk of Botox spreading slightly beyond the injection site, which can cause a droopy eyelid or lopsided smile. Seek medical advice if your symptoms persist.
Who should not consider treatments other than Botox®?
Heavy or hooded eyelids : The frontalis muscle is overactive because they depend on the lift of the brow to keep their eyes wide open.
If this is the reason for overactive forehead wrinkles, it is also likely that the person would actually benefit most from a surgical intervention to remove the excess tissue above the eye so that they no longer have to constantly elevate the lids to compensate. After the procedure, most people can then get the benefits of Botox® injections without risking a droop of the lids.
What to expect with treatment:
Prior to Botox® treatment, we evaluate your anatomy and movement with you relaxed and then making facial expressions, raising your brows, smiling, squeezing eyes shut, etc. We will determine the proper location and dose for the injections.
Most patients require 5-10 injections to the forehead that are placed specific to the patient's pattern of muscle action and wrinkling. It is important to keep a proper balance between the muscles that lift and lower the brow, so most all individuals require treatment of the glabella, or "frown lines", to maintain this balance.
Injections may feel like a tiny pinch, but are not considered painful. We offer a vibrating tool that distracts from the injections and most patients feel only the vibration rather than the pinch.
The injections take about 1 minute to perform.
There is no recovery time. You may have tiny red bumps, like mosquito bites. This generally goes away within minutes. Rarely, a small bruise may occur.
We recommend not lying down, exercising or touching the treated area for 4 hours after the injections.
As with other Botox® injections, results come on gradually and usually are apparent in 3-4 days with maximum effect in 7-14 days.
Botox®' Dysport® and Xeomin® last on average 3-4 months, so to maintain results, you will need to come in for touch-ups a few times a year.
Rarely, the injections may result in under treatment, slight asymmetry, which are generally easily treated at a follow up appointment. Very rarely, patients may heaviness or slight droop. Botox® is not permanent.
Patients with deep forehead lines may be better suited to a combination of dermal fillers and Botox.
*results may vary
If you would like to know more about how to smooth out your Forehead Lines and how it can create a younger appearance for you, reach out to
Ithaca Medical Aesthetics to
schedule an appointment or a complimentary consultation.